Wednesday 9 April 2014

Clan Nation Annual Awards

Clan Nation Annual Awards

Clan Nation recently held its second Annual Awards and many clans, around hundred were selected to be listed for the ten category’s for these highly achievable worth mentioning golden medals.
Many clan leaders came to me and thanked me…

Thank yourself and your crew for being nominated or for winning an Annual Award.


I would very much like to say something about the winning clans of this years edition of the Annual Awards and say something about their clan or their leadership.

Best Multi Gaming clan, Best GTA clan:

Team Shake are one of the protagonists of modern day multi gaming clans and that is their trademark and claim to fame. They have many great members that contributed greatly into this clan, but the most meritorious of them all has to be TS WIKKED, who single handed made the clan what they are today. Team Shake was able to take two awards this year. Best Multi Gaming clan and Best GTA RPG clan. 

Best Clan Website, Best Graphics, Best YouTube channel:

BHL Gaming is a clan that was selected for multiple awards for the very first time ever. In the end, BHL was victorious over any other clan and won 3 golden Annual Awards. They are a massively growing clan and have a lot to offer to anybody wanting to become a member.

Best Call of Duty clan, Best Competitive Clan:

Last year winners of Best Call of Duty clan were naturally again listed for Best Call of Duty clan, but this year NSC Elite in alliance with Tryz Gaming picked up two awards for their account. There is no doubt that NSC Elite are one the most competitive clans out there. Many clans would like to step in their footsteps…!

Best Battlefield Clan:

These Dirty Old Bastards are been around for many years now in this dying breed of clanning business and managed to survived and surpassed many other clans. They are very tight knit organization with a good set of rules and as their name already says, with a specific age limitation.

Best FPS Clan:    

Like Dirty Old Bastards, Opzmassive Gaming has been around for a good time and the clan has only grown in a positive way. They were nominated for the Best FPS clan and managed to uphold that award again this year. It is not a secret that OpzMassive strong suit are first-person shooters games, but don’t be fooled by that factor, the clan has a lot to offer to anyone wanting to join a great active community.

Best Halo Clan:

PMS Clan is an all girl clan. Personally I am not that familiar with the clan, but the jury was more than convinced that they are the best Halo clan out there. 

Congratulations to all winning clans and until next year!